


NTA Aspirants does not own any content . We Collect, Upload, and Provide intresting facts , knowledge,  which are already created by someone. We don’t aid piracy, our main motive is to give extra knowledge , facts about the world.


If we have added any content that belongs to you or your organization, we are sorry and apologize for that. And we assure you, this won’t be repeated in future. If you are the rightful owner of the content used in our website, please mail us with your Name, Organization Name, Contact Details, Copyright infringing URL, and Copyright Proof (URL or Legal Document) through Email(vaibhavsinghthakur7676@gmail.com) (or) by Contact Form. Rest assured, we will remove the Infringing Content within 48 Hours.

Where we Collect Facts ?

We Collect facts from various Internet Sources (Websites & Social Media Channels, Pages, Groups)

Message to Copyright owners:

As we already mentioned above, If we Violate/Infringes your copyright policies, you can always send us the Takedown Notice to our email (vaibhavsinghthakur7676@gmail.com) or through below contact form. It's our promise that we will respond & remove the particular links within 48 hours.

Claim Form for Takedown Notice:

From our website, you can visit other websites by following hyperlinks to such external sites. While we strive to provide only quality links to useful and ethical websites, we have no control over the content and nature of these sites. These links to other websites do not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites. Site owners and content may change without notice and may occur before we have the opportunity to remove a link which may have gone ‘bad’.
Please be also aware that when you leave our website, other sites may have different privacy policies and terms which are beyond our control. Please be sure to check the Privacy Policies of these sites as well as their “Terms of Service” before engaging in any business or uploading any information. 


By using our website, you hereby consent to our disclaimer and agree to its terms.

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